Assurance and financial reporting

To the highest regulatory standards

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We realize several types of certification mandates

Our innovative, up-to-date processes have earned us a reputation for care and discernment in conducting audits, review and compilation engagements, special reports, and more.

When we review your financial information, we don’t just look at the figures, we provide you with a fair and realistic assessment of your business performance.

Specialized know-how in keeping with industry standards

PPG’s internal financial information committee is responsible for ongoing training and compliance with all accounting and certification standards (ASPE, IFRS, ASNPO, NCA, CSRE), and for staying abreast of new developments in standardization.

As a firm registered with the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB), PPG is also authorized to provide audit services to public companies.

Assurance and financial reporting Production, analysis, and certification of financial statements

  • Audits
  • Review engagements
  • Compilation engagements
  • Financial information reports
  • Analysis and implementation of accounting and management systems
  • Related accounting work
  • Management consulting

PPG professionals go beyond the numbers and compliance requirements to provide our clients with sound advice and guidance in their business decisions.